Thursday, October 1, 2009

iamthenublack: Channel Kennebrew

I posted a video of Channel’s work a few months ago and I’m super excited to have interviewed her.  She’s also recently teamed up with The Arts Projekt which is a great platform for artists to collaborate and showcase their art. Hmm, it IS payday today and I’ve had my eye on the Junkprints visionary necklace (amongst almost every other item on the site) for a while…I have to be strong, lol

introduce yourself

My name is Chanel Kennebrew  and I’m a hyperactive maker/designer and the gal behind Junkprints

fav lyric from a song

This one is hard. I think that there is a a song that applies to every situation

who and what inspires you

I’m first content inspired and then medium driven, meaning the story or topic comes first and the the execution. I’m inspired by the past and the present. I’m a savager and duplicator who is super fascinated with propaganda and how we as people relate to our social environments. The thin division lines between social separation are what push me to cover the topics I address in my work.

who are your icons past/present

Okay, I really admire the work of many people and would love to chat and dine with Grace Jones, Gordon Parks, Kurt Vonnegut , Robert Frank and many more but if they were wack I’d just kick em out and finish the meal w/ my Grandma Dee Dee because she’s amazing and I know that to be the truth.

the nublack philosophy/mantra according to Channel

I figure that each individual has sooo much potential and it’s important to attempt to maximize that potential by doing the very best one can possibly do at everything they do. I mean what’s the point of doing something if it’s ‘half.’ As far as advice goes, be Brave, get out there, make a ton of mistakes,  get the wind knocked out out of you and keep it moving.

Check me out



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