Monday, February 22, 2010


Here are two pictures playing with over-accessorizing 25 years apart.  ELISA took the first picture around 1986 when I was completely in the thrall of Madonna and Cyndi Lauper and the mania for a full sleeves of accessories (I remember reading that Quincy Jones made Cyndi remove her sleeve of bracelets and bangles during the “We Are The World” recording session because the mics were picking up the noise!).  In the 80s, more was more, it seems.  ELISA took the second picture a few weeks ago – I still get the occasional nostalgic urge to over-accessorize, and when I do, I go to my stash of arm trash which is basically filled with the same old pieces.  As you can see, the bubble watch is the same in both pictures, as is the stainless “Maripolitan” bracelet with the magnetic chips, which I blogged about a few weeks ago.  Somehow, I lost the beautiful leather bracelets we bought in the summer of 1984 when we were smoking hash, I mean, studying in London. – DAVID


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